Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quad Blogging

 We are making friends with other blogs around the world through Quad Blogging..
This week we are focusing on a great blog from Helensburgh, Australia.
A peek inside is from Helensburgh Public School. KD and their fantastic teacher Ms Dowling do some amazing learning together. Take a look at their blog by clicking on the photo - 


  1. Hello Room 4,

    I think it's wonderful you are Quadblogging with Helensburgh Public School. I have been through Helensburgh many times and have also been in Hamilton a few times.

    I hope you all have great fun in Quadblogging. I have visited the blogs of a number of schools involved in Quadblogging. Their posts are always interesting to read and I often leave comments. :)

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

    1. Hi!
      We really like Quad Blogging so far. We like having blogging friends all around the world. It is cool to learn from other classrooms too. KD has already taught us a song just by having a post on their blog.
      From Room 4
