Monday, May 6, 2013

Our new classroom

Something funny happened to Room 4 over the holidays. We moved to Room 5 so now we are called Room 5. 
We still have the same teacher and all the same kids.
Here are some photos of our new class -

We like having some new puzzles to do.
We like our new Rainbow Reading Room.
It is nice to still have some of our things from Room 4 with us in our new room.


  1. Hi Room 5,
    What an exciting start to the new term. I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and are excited to be back in class. I think your classroom looks AMAZING! I love learning spaces that let you choose different ways and places to learn. I hope you get to talk about why some of the spaces are better than others for certain tasks. I can't wait to hear more about your exciting learning journey!
    Mrs K

  2. I hope you enjoy your new classroom, it will be fun to have some new children next door that you can help show around Hamilton East School.
