Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Mihi

We have been learning how to introduce ourselves to each other. We have also learnt how to introduce ourselves in maaori by learning our mihi.
You can listen to Abshir, Ben, Lizzie, Kayden, Mia, Xzavier and Subair say their mihi on this vimeo.


  1. I really like your movie because your picture looks cool. My favourite one is Ben's one because it is really cool - I liked the colours.
    Alvin - Kids with a view

  2. Guys you are amazing I am very proud of you because you are Year 1's. That was so so cool.
    Aryaan kids with a view

  3. Hi I like your video are they people? And they are so cool because they are colourful.
    By Anya kids with a view

  4. Wow Room 4, I am so impressed hearing your mihi. You have also drawn some great pictures to introduce yourselves too. I think you have been learning a lot of te reo this year. What clever learners you are. Mrs T (Glenview School)

  5. Hi Room 4, are your colouring in pictures people because they look cool I wish that I could make one.
    By Alvin and Anya kids with a view
