Friday, March 2, 2012

Fabulous Friday

Look what some children made at choosing time today. They made a fabulous boat with the blocks. 
The driver has a steering wheel and is up high. There is a big exhaust pipe. The animals are going for a ride in the boat. You can see the ocean from upstairs.
Some children made a band and others danced while they played.
Look at the Transformer. 
First it's a car and then it becomes a robot with a really long neck.

Here is a sneak peek at some beautiful butterfly and caterpillar art work. 

Caterpillar is a long word. There are 11 letters in caterpillar.


  1. Wow, what a creative group you are! I love your paintings of butterflies and caterpillars, they are so colourful.

    I love watching the caterpillars munching on Swann plants.

    Have you been learning about them in class?

  2. We are just one week away from visiting Claudelands Bush (Jubilee Park)! With all the work you have done on cicadas, butterflies and caterpillars I think you will be experts at finding small creatures like these living in the bush. Have you had a look in your nature trail to see what lives there?

    1. Hi! Robyn,
      After we read your comment we all went on the Nature Trail with Anna. We didn't see a lot of bugs because we were so excited about being on the Nature Trail BUT we did see a fantail. He followed us along the path and we got to see him up very close. We were hoping he would follow us back to class.
      From Room 4

  3. I like caterpillars they turn into beautiful Butterfly's!
    Butterfly is another long word it has ten letters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
    That is alot of letters!
    Can you count to 10?
    From Madisen
